What’s the difference between CEOs and COOs?

Megan Snyder |

The distinction between CEO and COO, as well as skills COOs need if they plan to ascend to the role of CEO.

How to build a workplace community in person or online

Michelle Kaiser |

Creating a strong environment of engaged, productive, and passionate employees is possible no matter where they work.

Using AI to reduce costs

Michelle Kaiser |

No matter the type or size of your business, AI can boost your income, trim expenses, and deliver a strong ROI.

Why adaptability could be the key to better leadership

Megan Snyder |

Adaptability helps leaders respond to change with patience and professionalism.

Should your business ban political speech?

Megan Snyder |

It’s hard to imagine everyone successfully avoiding politics, particularly during a major election year.

How AI impacts today’s music — and what that means for the industry

Megan Snyder |

The more data it is trained on, the closer the technology gets to replicating human behavior.

Pushing through economic challenges with a customer focus

Michelle Kaiser |

As companies face economic challenges, one of the best ways to weather the storm and achieve success is to go back to basics and focus on customers.

How to find investors with integrity

Clint Betts |

How can I navigate the potential pitfalls and ensure that I choose a VC partner who will support my company’s growth without compromising its vision?

Why doesn't success lead to happiness?

Clint Betts |

When people are attached to something, they often falsely believe that their happiness depends on it.

When should you move on?

Clint Betts |

We only get so many days in life. Losing one at a job or working for a leader who rewards "takers" is not worth it.