Author Shane Snow

At 38 years old, Shane Snow has had a remarkable journey from Idaho to New York, from auto mechanic to Broadway performer to successful entrepreneur. This winding career path started with the enthusiasm of a curious child. As the son of an engineer and an educator, Snow was exposed to an eclectic mix of cultures and skills that inspired him to explore and learn. He loved taking things apart and building them with his brother and happily followed his mother's lead to read and learn. This early passion for knowledge ultimately led to Snow learning journalism.

With a focus on investigative journalism, he used writing as an excuse to uncover stories. After finishing journalism school, he parlayed his investigative skills into becoming a successful Broadway performer, launching a successful tech startup, and writing a book called Dream Teams. What makes Snow stand out, however, isn't just his career trajectory; it's how he's used his multifaceted experience to become a successful team leader.

In his book Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart, Snow proposes a unique theory based on rethinking complex problems to make progress. He talks about the need "for teams to think differently and then lean into those different ways of thinking, especially when they identify this is something I don't understand or I don't agree with or I don't think it will work, let's see what we can learn from that and then let's be open to change."

He then dives even more profoundly and gives us a glimpse into lateral thinking, in which he describes the need to look at problems through a different lens to create innovative solutions. Snow also tackles the often controversial topic of talking politics at work. He acknowledges it's an important point and lays out his heuristic on handling it.

Snow says when a conversation becomes personal, "it is no longer productive [...] the moment that it gets personal is when variables are introduced, and those variables have nothing to do with the team's productivity. And so at that point, it's up to the leader to sort of step in and say, 'Oh, I think we should take this further outside the office and then figure out if we disagree with each other on this or just not have it here.'"

Beyond Dream Teams, Snow has written multiple books and makes a living speaking to companies, booking engagements, and offering coaching. In his talks, Snow weaves stories of his life experiences and the educational theories in his books. He uses a combination of content, visuals, and activities to engage audiences and illustrate how businesses can obtain better results.

Shane Snow represents the modern-day Renaissance man. Through his career trajectory, Snow has found a unique blend of skills that have allowed him to exceed all expectations. He has taken the time to explore the world truly; he has learned and listened to the people who have crossed his path, and best of all, he has leveraged his experiences to teach and help others.

He is a model for success and a testament that with curiosity, the right attitude, and knowledge, we can blaze trails no one has gone down before and create a safe and more productive work environment.

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