A modern approach to talent acquisition

The days of scouring the wanted ads, faxing in a resume, and traveling for in-person job interviews are over. In today’s competitive environment, talent acquisition takes a digital turn and relies on new technology and connections.

What does talent acquisition look like in the digital age, and how is it changing? The answers may surprise you.

Online Listings Are Automated

With a barrage of applications for nearly every open position, companies are leaning into automation to sort through applications. This is a practice pioneered by Dimitri Boylan in 2004. Algorithms can sort for keywords in cover letters and resumes to weed out candidates who aren’t qualified and bring the best candidates to the top.

However, the flip side is also proper: candidates can automate the job application process. There are pros and cons to this practice for employers. Still, some fear that an automated application isn’t as personalized or shows that the job seeker isn’t as committed to their organization. Some employers enter keywords or require additional information or resources from candidates to detect automated applications.

Potential Matters More Than Skills

The old mindset around talent acquisition was to find candidates with the best credentials or who went to the best schools. But the world of work is changing, and new industries and types of jobs are constantly being created. Instead of relying entirely on skills and degrees, employers are increasingly favoring potential. The idea is that technology is evolving and advancing so quickly that credentials quickly become obsolete. What matters more is that job candidates and employees can adapt, learn, and solve problems.

But how can employers find candidates who have the best potential? Many companies use algorithms to predict a candidate’s success on the job based on their interview. Others use tests or sample projects to see how a candidate handles pressure or new situations. No matter the method, the old way of ranking job seekers is out.

Employers and Candidates Need a Strong Online Presence

Everything exists online, and that’s true for job candidates and employers. When applying for jobs, candidates almost always look at a company’s online presence, such as their website and social media channels, to understand the culture, news, and values. That means organizations need to have an updated and accurate online presence so they attract candidates who match their values and will be engaged.

The reverse is also true: Organizations look up their potential employees online. One survey discovered that 54% of employers have rejected candidates based on their social media profiles. Job seekers need to know what they’re posting and how it reflects their character.

Networking Still Matters

An online presence and digital automation are crucial but don’t fully replace the need for human connection and a network. A recent survey found that 60% of people found jobs through networking, not by looking at online listings.

Building a network is still essential for job seekers. Those networks can be built in person through industry groups and events, mentoring programs, alum connections, and more, but they can also happen online through LinkedIn and other channels. What matters most is having a personal connection between the job seeker and someone in the industry or the company.

Networking helps companies find candidates who can rise above the deluge of online applications. The average corporate job opening receives roughly 250 applications, which requires resources to sort through, even with automation. Personal connections can help find great candidates and save time and money sorting through online applications.

Talent acquisition in the digital age differs from traditional methods but can yield great results. Organizations can find great candidates by leveraging new trends and channels.

Written by

Michelle Kaiser
Michelle Kaiser

Senior Editor | CEO.com

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