How do you know when it’s time to pivot?

Michelle Kaiser |

How do you know when it’s time to move to another path and pivot?

Take control of your mindset

Megan Snyder |

Developing a good mindset can help leaders take a measured, open-minded approach to the ever-changing tech landscape.

What it takes to be a high-character leader

Michelle Kaiser |

Showcasing strong character can do more than motivate a team or set an example — it can lead to higher returns.

How to create long-lasting business relationships

Megan Snyder |

Professional networks can offer leaders support and strategic suggestions when facing new challenges or opportunities.

How adversity can create better leaders

Michelle Kaiser |

How can adversity help leaders? Consider these benefits.

The potential for more accurate health diagnoses with AI

Megan Snyder |

AI technology already has many proven use cases in healthcare.

What is psychological safety?

Megan Snyder |

Psychological safety offers employees the opportunity to bring their true selves to work.

Understanding imposter syndrome

Megan Snyder |

These feelings can be accompanied by worries that others will discover they’re not actually qualified or smart enough to serve on a project or in a new role.

Leadership vs. management

Michelle Kaiser |

They're not the same thing.

Skills-based hiring: The way of the future

Megan Snyder |

“Skill-based hiring is more than five times more predictive of on-the-job success than hiring based on work experience,” said David Blake, CEO of Degreed.